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Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2

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Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2 Empty Re: Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2

Post by admin Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:00 pm

Glenndk wrote:
Admin wrote:Hi Russ,
You want to drive a 50 Ohm load, so T2 impedance ratio is 14:50, or about 1:4.

Sholdn't it be sqrt(50/14) or about sqrt(4) ?

Hi Glen,
 yes you are quite correct.

2+2 turns and 8 turns.

This is a 68-year old brain I am workin with ;-)

BR Harry

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Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2 Empty Re: Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2

Post by Glenndk Mon Sep 02, 2019 4:52 pm

Admin wrote:Hi Russ,
You want to drive a 50 Ohm load, so T2 impedance ratio is 14:50, or about 1:4.

Sholdn't it be sqrt(50/14) or about sqrt(4) ?

best regards,

Glenn / OZ1HFT


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Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2 Empty Re: Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2

Post by admin Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:25 pm

Hi Russ,
Sorry for the late response.

If I assume 100% output, the RF voltage is 8V at 600mA = 5 Watts
Impedance = 14 Ohms.

You want to drive a 50 Ohm load, so T2 impedance ratio is 14:50, or about 1:4.

The actual number of turns is not so critical as there is a useable frequency range of about 30:1. Too many turns and the inter-turn capacitance is a problem (at 30MHz). Too few turns and the coil does not have enough indictance to have a high impedance at low frequencies.

Using a medium ferrite with two holes, use 2+2 turns for the primary and 16 turns for the secondary. This sould be perfect for about 3MHz to 30MHz. If you need lower frequencies (top band?), then use 4+4 and 32 turns, and let me know what time/date you are on the band.


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Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2 Empty Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2

Post by Russ666 Sat Jun 15, 2019 4:09 pm

Thanks Ivan,

    I am seeking to get a rough estimate of the number of turns of wire to
start with for the primary of T2. Just a ballpark figure.

Best regards,


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Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2 Empty Re: Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2

Post by Ivan Sat Jun 15, 2019 2:25 pm

Hi Russ,
"The circuit can be used for audio or radio frequencies." If you intend to use it for AF only, ferrite cores for AF with big mju are a good solution. The number of turns will decrease significantly.
I recommend you "the cheap ferrite rings from computer power units (about 2cm Dia.)" as mentioned in the 2,5 W version. One piece will be enough for less power.

BR from Ivan


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Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2 Empty Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2

Post by Russ666 Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:17 pm

The suggestions for T2 (audio) involve using a mains transformer.
My questions are:
    Would it be practical to wind T2 on a ferrite core for audio frequencies, or would
    that involve an excessive number of turns?
    If not impracticable, what would be a reasonable number of turns to try with for the primary?

Best regards,


Posts : 1
Join date : 2019-06-14

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Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2 Empty Re: Push-Pull Voltage Regulator Amplifier transformer T2

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