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Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes

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Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes Empty Re: Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes

Post by admin Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:52 pm

One thing I used to do for "air cored" chokes for tubes was to cut a rubber grommet in 1/2 down the middle, the glue each 1/2 to the ends of a 1/2-Watt or 1-Watt resistor. You can use an electric screwdriver or drill to wind on the firmer that was made.

The resistor should be 1-Megohms or more. The length of wire should be like 1/4-wavelength or so, which means you can get really thin magnet wire from high-voltage (24V) miniature relays.

It was a simple method, and quick, too :-)

BR Harry

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Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes Empty Thanks

Post by Giuseppe Stancanelli Thu Apr 02, 2020 4:20 pm

Yes, thanks, finally I've found the time to fully read it. Learned a lot!

Many thanks again

Giuseppe Stancanelli

Posts : 3
Join date : 2020-03-26

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Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes Empty Re: Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes

Post by Ivan Fri Mar 27, 2020 8:12 pm

this page may be a good start for you.

VBR from Ivan


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Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes Empty Re: Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes

Post by Giuseppe Stancanelli Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:23 pm

Thanks, but 3d printing is an option, not mandatory
I'm only looking for a choke solution that works. in order to not add uncertainity in my first attempts in receiver diy building

... and I don't have any of the kind of chokes you wrote :-)


Giuseppe Stancanelli

Posts : 3
Join date : 2020-03-26

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Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes Empty Re: Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes

Post by Ivan Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:51 pm

Hi Giuseppe,
which choke do you have in mind? The anode one, the filament filter or something else?
Generally, using a 3D printer to make choke formers may cause problems with deformation of the thermoplastic material, if the winding becomes hot. Ceramics or teflon are preferred.

VBR from Ivan OK1SIP


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Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes Empty Looking for suggestions for tube rf-chokes

Post by Giuseppe Stancanelli Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:32 am

Hi, I'm a new user of the forum but a long-time reader of your site, from around years 2004-2005.
I thank you for all the work and passion you put in it.

I'm studying for my Ham license, I'm from Italy, and I do some SWL with a kenwood ts130.
I have some experience in electronics, molstly analog stuff, and now I want to try some tube receiver/trasmitter project.

As many in EU, currently I'm stuck at home, but I think I have all the required components, bar the rf-chokes

If I try googling for rf-choke or similar terms, I only find documents on the antenna chokes

So, finally, my question is:

Do you have any suggestion for home building, as you did for replacing denco coils?
I own a 3d printer, and I can model and try coil formers

Thanks in advance

Giuseppe Stancanelli

Posts : 3
Join date : 2020-03-26

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