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Welcome new user LU8LCT

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Welcome new user LU8LCT Empty Teşekkür

Post by seyyahnet Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:29 pm

Kabul etyiginiz için teşekkürler.
73 de ta7bb
Omer yenigun


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Welcome new user LU8LCT Empty Welcome new user LU8LCT

Post by Ivan Fri Sep 27, 2024 6:42 pm

Hello LU8LCT and welcome to the forum for Harry's Homebrew Homepages. It is really great that you have joined us.

I have activated your account so you can now enjoy all the features; you can answer topics, create new topics, attach pictures, and links. I am sure that we all look forward so seeing some of your posts and that we can share experience, knowledge and information. What are your interests?

Please feel free to ask anything technical, no-matter how simple or complex. Remember that there are no stupid questions. I hope you have some fun here and that you can share with us the benefit of your own knowledge and experiences.

Maybe you want to tell us about yourself? Do you have any funny or interesting stories to tell? New projects?
Main Links:    (this forum)             (main site) [port 443] and the WWW is optional. It works without (eg.          (alternative, hosted on a Raspberry-PI) - currently being updated          (test/trial server, hosted on a Raspberry-PI) for me to play with     (mirror site, no downloads or PDF datasheet library)

In addition, you can copy the URLs of projects, for example:
This makes it a lot easier to find and use HHH, as well as share links with other people.
HHH also has a new dynamic DNS lookup so that the IF address will always be updated if my ISP should change it.

Very best regards from Ivan OK1SIP


Posts : 816
Join date : 2012-11-25
Age : 65
Location : Praha, Czechia

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