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Transistor RF Matching

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Transistor RF Matching Empty Transistor RF Matching

Post by Ken G3LVP Wed May 20, 2015 1:02 pm

Hi Harry,

On your page 'Transistor RF Impedance Matching' you say that L1 balances out the capacitive component of the second stage (-j1.0 in the case of the 2N6082 that I'm using). For my design frequency (70 MHz) it seems that Xl is so small (.002uH) that it can be disregarded (if my sums are correct).

However you go on to say that L1 is calculated by multiplying the 'real' part of the transistor I/P Z (0.8 Ohms) by Q (10).

Which is correct?




p.s. I hope that I've not sent this twice, I lost it first time by pressing return in preview & can't find where it went.


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