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Errors on HHH html files

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Errors on HHH html files Empty Re: Errors on HHH html files

Post by admin Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:58 pm

Hello Glenn,
Many thanks for the message and the information regarding the snapshots taken by As you say they obviously feel that my homepages are something to backup :-)

It is an amazing site :-)  they go bact to 2012 and take a new backup if I update the homepages. I can make use of that.

Unfortunately, January 2012 does NOT have the Teleport corruption, but they have added their own script, about 200 lines of it, and all graphic links are localised, for example:

<p><center><img src="/web/20130126073410im_/"></center></p>
it means that, although the files are not corrupted with ttpabs, they are corrupted with "/web/20130126073410im_/"

But, as you may remember, I cannot address absolute links, for example "" does not work. This means I cannot give anyone a link to a particular project in my homepages, I have to describe how to get it (e.g. goto >projects > useful > GDO2).
I can use "/_board.htm" relative links, but now I know i can link to "" instead.

I hope to get some advice shortly about correcting my domain forwarding script so include absolute links, but in the meantime I have a solution. Thank you very much for the information. It is great to have people helping, such as Omar, Dave, Densil and now you assisting with the homepage coding.

Thank you all.
Very best regards from Harry - SM0VPO

(PS - A little bit of true humour - I have an old WiFi router that I used to use for ADSL Internet Access point, but I was recently given a new router, with an in-built modem, by my ISP. I normally get loads of daily hits from people trying to access my new router. So I set up the old router as SSID="Harrys WiFi", and "open network" (no password). It is a dumb router with no computers on it, no internet, no printers, nada. There there are now an average about 15 to 20 connections per day to the dummy router. The WiFi hits on my real router has fallen dramatically to maybe one a day. Is this a "honey pot" for hackers? Perhaps I have developed a really mean streak in my old age :-) Incidentally, in my WiFi walker app I see about 70 other WiFi Access Points within range of my apartment.)

Everything in this world is either bacon, or it isn't bacon  Cool
They say that money cannot bring you happiness, but if you have it then you can always buy more bacon Very Happy

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Errors on HHH html files Empty Re: Errors on HHH html files

Post by Glenndk Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:21 am

FYI - this site has made backups of some part the internet. Someone also think your homepage was backup-worthy :-) :*/

If you miss some files, you might find them at


Today any web-page can have a backup taken. (even some files)


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Errors on HHH html files Empty New updates (شكرا)

Post by admin Sun Feb 26, 2017 9:44 pm

Hi all,
I have just made some minor updates to the homepages, such as:

1 - Moving the link to this forum to a more prominent place on the start pages
2 - Updating some of the HTML files that were corrupted by Teleport
3 - Minor changes to spolling and gooder grammer on some pages
4 - Correcting a couple of defunct links

Incidentally I use SSH via PUTTY.EXE to update the pages. I now update the pages on a backup copy of HHH located at then I test the changes and links live online before I overwrite to Thanks for the advice.

Thank you very much Densil, Omar and David who gave me the feedback on the defective links.

In the words of the old Arabic proverb: إذا قصرت يدك عن المكافأة فليصل لسانك بالشكر
('iidha qasart yadak ean almukafa'at flysil lisanak bialshshakr - If you cannot reward, then you should at least thank)

Very best regards from Harry - SM0VPO
(PS, Anyone know how in شكرا I type alif with "nunnation" to add "aan" using an English keyboard? (I have re-mapped the keybord for both Swedish and Arabic))

Everything in this world is either bacon, or it isn't bacon  Cool
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Errors on HHH html files Empty Errors on HHH html files

Post by admin Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:55 pm

Hi all,
Just a quick snippet of information, a few years ago I had a hard disk failure and I lost ALL my homepage files. The problem was that they were all on the PC I was using as a server for hosting my own homepages. I did have a mirror site, but this was not updated so often.

I used a program called Teleport.exe to make a copy of the complete mirror site on my hard disk, and recovered the last couple of projects from a memory stick I used for creating mew projects. All good, so-far.

I had the occasion to update a project and found that Teleport had re-written loads of links. For example:

    <img src="../blueline.gif">

had suddenly become:

    <img src="../bluline.gif" tppabs="">

and even worse, all external links also changed with a load of rubbish:

<a href="">Arlanda Jumbo Hotel</a>

had suddenly become:

<a href="javascript:if(confirm('  \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address.  \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?'))window.location=''" tppabs="">Arlanda Jumbo Hotell</a>

The worst ones were links that ceased to funtion if I addressed a file in my server:


was changed to


This didn't work at all. For some reason I have difficulty using absolute links, I have to use relative links.

If you ever consider using Teleport then be aware that it makes changes to the files it downloads.

I have cleaned up most of the files, but this is an ongoing task as I had literally 100s of corrupted html files.
So if you see an defective links, or rubbish from Teleport ("tppabs", or the teleport message) then please let me know, if you have the time to do so.

BR Harry - SM0VPO
sm0vpo2008 @ (remove the spaces)

Everything in this world is either bacon, or it isn't bacon  Cool
They say that money cannot bring you happiness, but if you have it then you can always buy more bacon Very Happy

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