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Spanish license question?

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Spanish license question? Empty Re: Spanish license question?

Post by admin Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:28 pm

Hi Ivan,

If you have a home in any CEPT country then you can have a license and as long as it is renewed then you can keep it. If I had a home in England then I believe I could renew G4VVJ.

My problem is that I wondered whom to contact. But I am sure the SSA will assist me there with a "reciprocal license". Before that I think can use E/SM0VPO until I actually move out there.

As a matter of interest I am getting rid of a load of the heavier stuff, such as osciloscopes, generator, analyser, etc. I have small pocket sized analyser and a few bits of test gear I can use but until I get my workshop in Spain my larger projects will be very limited, except of course for the the "death ray" :-).

I really need to clean up a LOT of weeds and here in Sweden one is not allowed to buy any form of weedkiller or poison that works on vegetation and rodents. So-far I have been saving all my waste chemicals to clean the car entrance to the property: caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide, dissolved copper, chlorine and loads of salt. When I get about a bucketful it is time to kill off a few more weeds, but the death-ray appears to work a treat :-) It even kills the roots in soil down to about 2cm Twisted Evil What's more it does not poison the soil Very Happy

I will publish the article when it is working.

BR Harry

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Spanish license question? Empty Re: Spanish license question?

Post by Ivan Sat May 25, 2013 6:17 pm

Hi Harry,
I have no experience, but you should be able to work under the CEPT license as EA/SM0VPO for limited time. If it not enough, you will have to dig out your HAREC and apply for an EA callsign. IMHO you can keep both callsigns.

VBR from Ivan


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Spanish license question? Empty Spanish license question?

Post by admin Sat May 25, 2013 10:49 am

Hi all,
Does anyone out there have any idea as to the contact info and procedure to get a reciprocal hamradio license in Spain?

I am spending more aqnd more time here and hope to move here permanently within a year so I want to secure my hamradio activities. I will commute from Spain to Sweden to work so I wish to keep my Swedish callsign.

I can probably find out from the SSA but I just wondered if anyone had experience of this.

BR Harry - SM0VPO
Nerja, Spain

Everything in this world is either bacon, or it isn't bacon  Cool
They say that money cannot bring you happiness, but if you have it then you can always buy more bacon Very Happy

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Age : 72
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